Final outcomes

After thorough research I started work on my outcomes, starting with pre-made canvas boards. 

I started with painting flag colours on canvases for the background, the picture includes Marvin’s portrait with an abstract Nigerian flag background.


Then, I wait until the background is dry to paint the base colours of skin and hair and create the outline and silhouette of the person. To create the skin colour I mixed red, blue and yellow and ended up with brown, then added the right amount of white individually for every subject to match their skintone.

Then I continued outlining the shapes with capturing the shadows of the face with darker tones and some even darker spots with darker brown such as brows, pupils and nostrils. 

I follow up with highlights for the cheekbones, nose and eyes as well as other highlights based on the lighting on the picture reference. 

At this point the face started taking a recognisable shape and I added more details like the beard, lips and more shadows and highlights. 

After the main part of the portrait was finished I started adding accessories like glasses, headwear, cultural accessories as well as a black t-shirt for every portrait, so that everyone has a single themed style.

With practicing my skills I learned the inner process of portrait painting and grew my skills in the process of developing my Art Portfolio project. I figured out how to capture facial expressions and details of the face, as well as practiced my acrylic painting skills. 


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