
Zoning is a great approach to distinguish separate areas in house designs. You may quickly redesign 'rooms' without changing the general layout of your home. Zoning is an excellent way to emphasize an area's purpose or create a sense of intimacy.

To start zoning, I made my floor plan on paper, and I made sure to zone it and use it as a guide for my


Then, I took one of the screenshots I made earlier on HomeByMe and removed the materials, measurements and zone names to create a zoning

I have put it on Canva and added organic shapes from the elements box and addded a colour to them. I also added text boxes with zone names.

 I was left with the following zoning render:

I think it is effective in multiple ways, for example, that it opens up a beautiful view of the whole place including the very busy open kitchen, beautiful drawing on the wall, bar, and there is the reception right near the entrance opening their arms  for the clients as soon as they come into the restaurant. 


  1. Adding zoning at the end is not development really as this is where you should have started, however it is at least here on the blog now - you really need to add research and it would be good to see the development of your design boards as time is now very short before the deadline


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