3D process

 After consultation with my tutor, I obtained the materials I will need for my sculpture as well as knowledge of the process. My setup required wire, pliers, air-drying clay, wooden board (pre-primed with Gesso primer for better look and grip), PVA glue and modelling grass. First, I needed to make the skeleton or the base for the bodies with wire and pliers, with essential safety precautions. I twisted the wire to make a “stickman” structure to build clay on. 

Before continuing to pictures, I failed to take pictures in the beginning of my process and apologise for that, but I will substitute that with similar setups from the internet sources:

Picture from sinkology.com

I twisted the wire together to make two human shapes and it created a “doll” to set up and bend to needed positions, which I found extremely helpful. 
To further explain the shape I will include a similar structure picture:
Picture from paeg.uz

Then I left more wire in the legs area to then secure the structure to the wooden board. 
Now I needed to add the main part of the sculpture - clay. I am using air drying modelling clay: 

After building the sculpture on the wire, I secured the wire inside the pre-made with a screwdriver holes, followed it up with a hot glue and covered it up with more clay for visual aesthetic and extra security purposes.

While the clay was quite wet I covered it with PVA glue, took a pinch of modelling grass and dabbed it carefully on the structure to make it stick, and sprinkled more to cover bald spots, then dusted off the excess, while recycling it back to the bald spots to not create waste of product.

Now that the sculpture is almost done and needed to cure on the air overnight I secured it with two more wooden boards to make sure it doesn’t fall or lose its shape. 


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