WIX update

 Since last term, we have had many updates and changes, that is why we now need to update our digital portfolio website on WIX. 

This is a picture of my old version of the website.

First,  I need to remove the feedback page, since I used it in the last term. 

I pressed the manage menu button and hided the feedback page. 

Now I needed to create a good logo, I used Canva software.

I liked the watercolour theme, and since it is the theme for the website too, I made a watercolour themed logotype.

Now, I need to change the website design to fit the Fine Art theme, using my own works as decor and background. I also changed the theme and text to a more academic style. From the text "welcome to my portfolio" to "Aiyalina Abdykadyr: Fine Art"

Now I assembled everything together to create a main design of the website. I consider this website looks much better and academic than before.

In my portfolio design post I explained how I created my boards. I added them to the website for display of my work.
When clicking on "Portfolio" the viewer can see carefully compacted collections.

The first gallery contains the title, introduction and main boards such as materials, concept and references.

The next galleries are visual, displaying the works up close.


  1. My comment has disappeared again.....

    This post needs more detail about the tools you used and the improvements you have made this term.

    Is the image on the homepage your own work?


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