Project change post

 Throughout the development of my ideas, I had several tutorials with my tutor that lead me to rethink my ideas multiple times and I decided to change my project concept. My project will include 9-15 portraits of different people with the goal to show diversity and inclusivity of the New Cromwell as well as welcome new people and create a stronger community in Cromwell. 

“HEADS” series by David Bailey Ross, 2023

I will take Marlene Dumas, Frida Kahlo, Y.Z. Kami and other artists as my inspiration and subjects of research. I will look into symbolism and story telling aspects of art creation and possibly include them in my final outcomes.

In the idea development, I will practice portrait painting through preparatory sketches using various media such as acrylic paint, pastels, ink and charcoal. I will also take good pictures in the photography studio of my subjects of paintings and experiment. 


Bailey Ross, D. (2023). HEADS. [Watercolour].


  1. A good way to learn about painting is by mimicking the work of other artists and trying out different techniques and materials - this helps you to develop your style, practise and broadens you painting skills. This is how we DEVELOP our work and formulate a UNIQUE STYLE.


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