3D outcome: part 1

It is time to start my 3D outcome. 

First, I made measurements of my floorplan and scaled them down to be percise. 

But after a tutorial with my tutor, I decided to change my plan of making the whole floor to making a part of the floor, and I chose the best ,for my opinion, part - the dining area.

Render of my design by HomeByMe

I scaled it again but only using the half of my space, and ended up with a 40x20 space with 6 cm high walls. 

Then I gathered the materials from DMU and my own, I went to the workshop and cut the base out of wood boards.

Then I painted it with the base white, but planning on two more layers. 

Then I cut out the windows, after measuring them.

I also measured, marked and cut the windows for it out of clear acrylic.

Then I sanded everything down and cleaned it with antiseptic and paper towels to wipe off the markings on the windows.

Now the base was ready for the decor.


  1. Okay good you have some process - I am hoping to see this in yhe finished model to give this context


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