Week 5: model making induction

This week we learned about making a model with tools and media such as: knife, cutting board, paper and pencil, ruler, cardboard, foamboard etc. 

Before we started working on the house itself, we were taught how to make certain materials bendable to make opportunities for round corners for smooth and flowy models. We cut the materials halfway in a line, and it created a smart way to make the material bendable.

Then we started making the house with a guide paper that will tell us the structure of the house we are building on a flat paper to cut out elements by using that as a guide. 

We measured them with rulers and marked our materials with pencils/pens using a ruler, and cut out using a ruler once again. 

Once we cut out every part of the house we were ready to glue it all together to create a house.

From this lesson I learned to make smooth round corners and measure my material correctly to make a neat model. 


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