Initial research

 This lesson we started a research to benefit our project. I will be researching three of interior designers that I like and think will have a connection with my project. Looking at some of their works will influence me greatly since we, as students learn from masters of their work. 

Philippe Starck is a well-known French industrial architect and designer who has created a wide variety of designs for furniture, boats, and other vehicles in addition to interior design and architecture (Zukowsky, 2020).  

A particular work by this designer caught my eye immediately, the Katsuya Baha Mar restaurant in Bahamas. I think this project reflects perfectly the tone and atmosphere of my project. He mixed the idea of Japanese primitivism with modern minimalism and created something simple, yet luxurious, that makes this restaurant stand out and still shows the cultural aspect of it. 

Pictures from

He is very good with creating interesting spaces and layouts to create the most dreamy and modern areas. One more aspect that makes him extremely unique is his talented skills with lighting placement and how well he understands space and light in that space. This skill is very desirable for me, because it is crucial for a professional work to be effective in every possible way, including space planning, lighting and decor. 

Another one of the most well known designers is Bobby Berk. Bobby is an American TV icon, writer and a talented interior designer. He starred in the Queer Eye show as an interior design expert (Locke, 2018).   In 2022, Bobby was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Fine Arts from Otis College of Art and Design (Solé, 2022). 

From the pictures above, it is evident that Bobby puts a lot of effort into the decor and detail elements of his designs, in this design in particular(and his other projects) he also mixed primitivism and modernism to create a stylish but cozy area, which is a good aspect to consider while working on my project.

One more unique interior design artist is Andrés Reisinger, who is an Argentinian a digital artist that is based in Barcelona, Spain and founder of Reisinger Studio(Präkelt, 2019).

I am most interested by his skill with designing furniture. Although Philippe Starck is also a talented furniture designer, Reisinger caught my eye with his boldness of doing something completely new. It is a controversial question among designers and artists if new is good or not, because many new things will bring uniqueness to artist's style and skills, it is a bold choice in the capitalistic world and risky if an artist wants to make an earning. But it is definitely in my dreams to make something original and distinct, however I understand that it is important to learn to integrate every skill and combine it with client's wishes.

There are interior designers that are from Kazakhstan that also capture my interest, for example Bekzada Abdaliyeva. Bekzada is an interior designer from Astana, Kazakhstan and she is one of the popular interior designers in Kazakhstan. She works with private properties just as well as commercial properties. I get inspired by how she places colours and and patterns in the area. She can easily create contrast with colours, to really make certain parts of the space stand out.

Digital concept for an existing space for a Coffee house. Picture from her Instagram page.

Eastern cuisine restaurant design project. Picture from her Instagram page.

The main theme for my restaurant will be Kazakh art which might include parts of Scythian, Siberian and Islamic art and the main theme will be tribal and neo-tribal art. 

Library of KazNU, the traditional Kazakh corner.

The art of Kazakhstan includes all forms of art developed throughout history by the people who live on the region of the present day Kazakhstan. Although modern Kazakhs are often enthusiastic to emphasize their national identity, Kazakh art has historically been inseparable with larger artistic forms, particularly Scythian and Scytho-Siberian art of the first millennium BC and Islamic art from the eighth century AD onwards (Rogozhinsky, 2008). 

Kazakh People by Nurlan Kilibaev

Scytho-Siberian art is related with the civilizations of the Scytho-Siberian world, largely consisting of decorative products such as jewelry, manufactured by the nomadic tribes of the Eurasian Steppe (Pankova and Simpson, 2021). 

"Deer", Kazakh garment piece, 8-7th century BC

This topic is the key element of my project, it will be the main theme of the decor for the restaurant.

Zukowsky, J. (2020). Philippe Starck | French designer | Britannica. In: Encyclopædia Britannica. [online] Available at: Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.

 Locke, C. (2018). ‘Queer Eye’ Designer Bobby Berk on Creating Space. [online] Texas Monthly. Available at: [Accessed 17 Feb. 2024].

Solé, E. (2022). See the moment this college graduating class found out their loans will be paid off. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Feb. 2024].
Präkelt, V. (2019). Wie man einen Sehnsuchtsort erschafft. [online] AD Magazin. Available at: [Accessed 18 Feb. 2024].

Rogozhinsky, A.E. (2008). PETROGLYPH SITES OF KAZAKHSTAN AND WESTERN CENTRAL ASIA AS PART OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE: NEW CHALLENGES. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, 36(4), pp.83–94. doi: [Accessed 18 Feb. 2024].

Pankova, S. and Simpson, S.J. (2021). Masters of the steppe the impact of the Scythians and later nomad societies of Eurasia : proceedings of a conference held at the British Museum, 27-29 October 2017. [online] Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology. Available at: [Accessed 18 Feb. 2024].


  1. Update all of your posts before your tutorial in Week 3 please.

  2. This is a very poor post - you need to actually look at some initial research and use citations and references -please look at some interior design related to your work this term


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