Initial Ideas generation (Crazy Eights)

The lesson started with us dividing a sheet of A3 paper into 8 pieces and a teacher holding a timer. The teacher told us to fill up every square with an idea for a project, but each idea would take too long to come up with and that is why this exercise included a timer, so that we would capture the first thought that came to mind as quickly as possible to continue generating more. This exercise helped me to be creative and not to focus on something for too long, it helped me to start faster and to be bolder.
I came up with 8 interesting ideas that could be developed.

Then we divided the 8 squares and got up from our seats to discover our peer's ideas. We were told to pick out two of the ideas of the friend next to us that we liked most, to then create two more crazy 8s sheets for idea development. My peer helped me choose two good ideas to develop: a vase sculpture with tentacles for flowers and a painting of a masked ghost with some features coming out of the picture. 

This exercise really tested my creativity as it required an idea coming from an idea and it was supposed to be fast, which is a challenge itself. I found this to be extremely beneficial for my future projects, and most importantly my main project.



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