First thoughts

 The week one session two started with the introduction to three themes starting off our project ideas. We were tasked with exploring them and answering some questions that are going to help with the process of creating our project. What do the themes have in store for us? Will they help us understand our preferences? Are they intertwined with our career path? Answers are definitely going to help me in my future.


I have always been captivated by the nature and instincts of a human being, and primitivism captures the most raw parts of a human mind. It excludes any modern sophistications and complications, leaving naturality and sincerity. This is one of the themes I will consider while coming up with my project.

Pop art.

A simple, flashy and appealing theme to consider is pop art. Coming from "popular" art, pop art is a modern style that is loved by people. This art style focuses on colour, aesthetics, how to capture viewer's attention and use of innovation in the artworks. This movement has a lot for me, as an art student, to learn from. I can use the knowledge from pop artists to make my work lively and eye-catching.

Richard Hamilton's "Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?" pop art collage


An intoxicated, antiutopian world with fumes and capitalism is what inspires most industrialist artists. It is a style of art that incorporates the themes of mass production, urbanisation, decay and revolution. It was based from the industrial revolution that happened from the mid 1750’s to around 1860. There were a lot of economical changes from agricultural to mechanised industry across Europe that affected the world immensely. (Britannica, 2024) Which resulted in changes in the art industry as well. It is an incredibly interesting topic to consider for my project.

Alexander Stanhope Forbes, The Munitions Girls, 1918


Pechstein, M. (1912). Killing of the Banquet Roast. Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2024].

‌Hamilton, R. (1956). Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing? Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2024].

Britannica (2023). Industrial Revolution | Definition, History, Dates, Summary, & Facts | Britannica Money. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2024]‌

Stanhope Forbes ‌A. (1918). The Munitions Girls. Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2024].


  1. Please complete this post by the end of Week 1. Consider how you could approach each theme in terms of Fine Art - what kind of work would you like to make? We discussed painting and sculpting, but how do you think you might be able to fit these themes into 2D and 3D work?

    Make this clear in this post.


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