Portfolio: UX testing

 I created a google form regarding the feedback on my website, and created a page on my website that links the viewer to the UX testing page. 7 people filled out the form and these are the statistics:

I think my homepage well represented me and my style, and I like how it turned out and so thought the 7 people that tested my website.

People liked the mobile view of my website and found it pleasing to look at as well as easy to use.
People found my social links well made and easy to use.

People mostly liked the about me page except for one of my friends who didn't like the maximalist style of my site. 

I spent a lot of time perfecting the navigation on the website and it gave a good feedback from the users.

Out of 7 people, 4 people said they would recommend the website to their friends, 1 person said no without a reason and 2 people had their own responses.


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