WIX website: Contact page

1. First, I wen to my home page and selected page menu and then add page.

2. Then, I named it "contact" and added it to my website.

3. Then I wen to " Add Elements" and chose "contact and forms" to start choosing a form I wanted and start designing it.

4. I decorated my form with media from WIX by going into change strip background and finding an image I like.

5. I ended up with a form like this.

6. Now, I needed to edit a copyright section on any page as it will be displayed on all the pages. I needed to add my contacts like Instagram, Blogger, email and a copyright text.
7. Now I need to test my form in order to continue because there would be no point in the form if it does not work.
After submitting a test form on my published site a text came up to say thanks for submitting.

Everything works! I received the form on my emails without problems.


  1. Please make sure that you do not add your phone number to this page


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