Major project: Target audience

 What is target audience?

The term "target audience" describes a specific consumer group that is most likely to be interested in what you're selling, and as a result, the group that wants to see what you're advertising. The target audience may be determined by a variety of characteristics, including location, interests, gender, age, and income. (Marketing Evolution, 2020)

Target audiences may vary by gender, age, class and other criteria but they share one interest that determines the advertisement they get. My site will look for young adults and teenagers that look for classy retro style clothing and like shopping online, since it's an online website.

Your target audience ultimately influences every aspect of your marketing approach on all platforms. An established target is essential for your brand's language, tone, look and feel, and outreach strategies. Engaging your audience effectively also requires knowing to whom you are speaking. It's easier to consistently deliver the proper message across all platforms when you have a clear idea of who the audience is. (Haley Walden, 2023)
I will then communicate with them in a way that is appropriate to their needs, interests, and circumstances.


Evolution, M. (2022). Steps to Find Your Target Audience | Marketing Evolution. [online] Available at: 
[Accessed 22 Nov. 2023].

Walden, H. (2020). How to Find Your Target Audience. [online] Elegant Themes Blog. Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov. 2023].


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