Week 2: Advertising

Hello! It's Aiya. 

Short research about today's topic:

What makes a good design?

A carefully chosen colour scheme, object placement and how good they fit together overall.

Royalty free images

They are a type of images that come with a special kind of licence, but it doesn’t mean they’re copyright-free.

Unsplashed images

It’s a website that provides copyright-free stock photos made by generous photographers.

What is typography?

Arranging and adjusting type and lettering in the best, eligible and readable way.

What is a target audience?

It’s a type of audience that the person or establishment wants and targets to get attention from. 

Today's Digital Arts class inculded a lesson in which we talked about creating an advertisement using websites, programmes and image sources. We also talked about copyright and the importance of referencing pictures, which led to the website "unsplash.com" with hundreds of royalty-free and/or copyright-free pictures and images, ready and open to be used by anyone. 

After some research and working with google drive, we were tasked to make collages using another amazing website tool - Pixlr X. We chose a range of pictures from unsplash.com, chose a collage template on Pixlr X, cropped the image according to it and added text with a font of our choice.

Each of us ended up with 5 collages, mine are right above. I think this lesson was very informative and extremely useful for my future design work. 


(No date) What is typography? terms, rules and why it’s important - indeed. Available at: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/what-is-typography (Accessed: 10 October 2023). 

Newscred (2022) Royalty free images for commercial use guide, iStock Blog. Available at: https://marketing.istockphoto.com/blog/royalty-free-images/#:~:text=What%20Are%20Royalty%2DFree%20Images,having%20to%20renew%20the%20license. (Accessed: 10 October 2023). 


  1. Please see the email send out earlier. As there are a number of topics that you need to write about.

    When referencing your work you need to write in your own words, any writing that is referenced from a website, needs to be in bold with the author and date. As we did in the first week - plesae see example below..

    1. Advert design and layout
    The introduction to any research must be your words, then show a quote to back up your research all quotations need to be in bold text with a reference – see example below

    When readers look at your ad what do they see first? In order, research indicates that readers typically look at. Advertising layout is the arrangement of visual elements in an ad, such as images, text, colours, and shapes. It influences how people perceive and respond to your message, so it's important to create effective layouts that capture attention, communicate clearly, and persuade action.

    Before you start designing, you need to know what you want to achieve with your ad. Do you want to raise awareness, generate leads, sell products, or something else? Your goal will determine the type of ad, the target audience, the tone, and the call to action. Write down your goal and keep it in mind throughout the design process.
    Ads and sales fliers are common desktop-published documents. Whether designing ads for clients or for your own business, you can improve the effectiveness of those ads with just a few time-proven design strategies (www.lifewire 2022).

    Write about how you achieve your work - see email sent out. For exampbe when you create work, you need to explain what you were trying to achieve and the process you folloed - please see example from the eamil sent out to you earlier
    Here you will need to write about your work, for example,
    • why you chose the Advert design and layout – see example below
    • why you chose the text and image
    • What is the message in advertising
    • Who is the target audience – see example below

    I chose the Advert design and layout
    my first Advert, I began with choosing my an architecture image from Unsplash for no copyright image as I chose the most interesting image that I found that might attract the audience. The layout is dynamic and keeps the audience interested.

    Who is the target audience – example

    I have create a flyer to advertise my architecture skills . Below I will discuss how the advertise is marketed for potential customers and how to get your target audience attention.

    'Members of Gen Z are even more detached, engrossing themselves in technology. They grew up on social media and can research their way out of any predicament.(Credits Erica K. Brockmeier Write et al.)' This means Gen Z will always look at social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat. Twitter, And others like Google.


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