Project Research: Abram Games

Abram Games(1914 - 1996) was a british graphic designer
When Abram was 16 he went to Saint Martin's School of Art in London, but he disliked the teaching there and he had financial problems so Games left after two terms. (Richard Slocombe, 2014)

After trying to get education for multiple times, getting kicked out and failing, he started working individually and ended up winning a poster competition for the London County Council. (Abram Games, 2023) Because of his success, he got an article written for him: "An article on him in the influential journal Art and Industry in 1937 led to several high-profile commissions for Games, from the General Post Office, London Transport, Royal Dutch Shell and others." (Alan & Isabella Livingston, 1996)

Richard Slocombe (2014). British Posters of the Second World War. Imperial War Museum.
"Abram Games". University of Brighton Design Archives. Retrieved 3 November 2023

The Independent. (1996). Obituary: Abraham Games. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Nov. 2023].


  1. More information is needed, what do you like about the designer's work, and how will this help you with your work?
    Fix the post formatting, your typography has a white box around - looks like it’s been copied and paste from the Internet


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